Monday, July 10, 2006

Forza Italia!!!

On a day when due diligence and hard work paid off, I start my blog on B3. At the very start, although my heart was Italian, my head tells me France was the better side as tacticians for winning the World Cup. But as the adage goes; follow your heart and you will find truth. Hmm... I wonder how it goes for the hearts of the French?
The Italians filed a caveat so strong that it showed a perfect 5/5 on their report card. At the end, they hoisted the World Cup ever so magnificently yet ever gently but very deservingly. Bravura Italia!!!


Blogger spiderbear said...

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Only one word comes to mind while ogling this snapshot; let me give you a hint, it starts with an S and ends with an E-X. Forza Italia indeed.

6:48 PM  

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